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July 26, 2021 by Kiet Duong

CloudLinux Solo

cloudlinux os solo

Newly released from CloudLinux, IO Zoom is proud to offer to latest CloudLinux operating system, CloudLinux Solo. Designed with small businesses in mind, CloudLinux Solo provides a reliable operating system that business owners can use with a variety of web applications.

CloudLinux Solo Features:
In CloudLinux Solo, you’ll find a range of features including:

Web Monitoring Capabilities: With a single web host account, business owners can host however many websites they want! The innovative Web Moniting function with CloudLinux Solo allows users to get accurate, up to date statistics and information about their site domains all in one place.

CloudLinux Solo can also notify business owners about any errors that occur on their site domains, as well as providing daily reports on how the sites are performing.

Site Speed Analysis: With CloudLinux Solo’s Site Speed Analysis capabilities, business owners can monitor their site response and identify performance issues that may be slowing down their websites. Site Speed Analysis information is compiled in easy to read reports for the server admin to understand how their site(s) are performing.

Performance X Rays: The OS bottleneck performance x ray function helps to analyze website code and configurations to ensure that there are no issues present that could impact the site’s performance. Any issues that are found by the X ray are reported to the server admin, with steps on how to fix the issue with the given site’s function, plugin, or other element.

Optimization for WordPress: While not included in the beta version of CloudLinux Solo, WordPress Optimization is a feature that will be coming soon to the CloudLinux Solo OS. Optimizing a site for WordPress can help business owners ensure that their site is performing at its peak, and also allows the site to implement other site elements such as plugins, themes, and other configurations that can help improve site performance.

Performance Advice: CloudLinux Solo will also have the ability to provide real-time suggestions with the “Smart Advice” function. Any issues that are discovered through X ray analysis and other methods will be suggested to the business owner to help improve and fix website performance.

How Much Does a CloudLinux Solo License Cost?

Your next small business operating system is just within reach! With commercial launch of CloudLinux Solo, business owners can get 1 CloudLinux Solo License for only $7

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