When problems happen, you need more help than the bare minimum. You can’t rely on having comprehensive support when it’s not included as a standard part of your subscription.
With IO Zoom’s Managed Cloud Hosting, you don’t have to worry about troubleshooting issues on your own. Keeping your business online and running smoothly is our priority. We’ll focus on the technical process of managing your cloud so that you can focus your energy on running your business.
IO Zoom Managed Cloud Hosting plans like Cloudways also start at $10 a month, but there’s a difference in the level of support provided. Take a look at Cloudways fine print and make sure you get the support you need when you need it. Keeping your website, and your business, running efficiently is our goal.
Let us handle your migration from a Managed Cloudways cloud on Digital Ocean, Linode, or Vultr by one of our expert systems engineers. We handle migrations 24/7 so just tell us when you want it done and get it done right, worry free.