Home » Hosting » 3 Web Hosting Trends to You Can Expect Now in 2020
July 9, 2020 by Tanya Aquino

3 Web Hosting Trends to You Can Expect Now in 2020

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How do you pick the right web host to maintain the website you have worked so hard on to perfect? While it’s crucial to pay attention to the numbers, such as uptime and storage size, you also need to look out for the latest in terms of trends.

Trends are what dictate many industries, web hosting included. This means that web hosting services from five years ago are vastly different from what you can expect now. Similarly, the current best practices might not be relevant at all five years from now.

So, what are the web hosting trends you can expect this year? Here are a few that you should know about.

1. Cloud hosting solutions

The cloud is by no means a new concept. However, it still is an ongoing trend that web hosts have been utilizing for their clients’ benefit. There are many services within cloud-hosting solutions, such as virtual private servers (VPS), that will see widespread use these days.

The most significant benefit of cloud hosting solutions is that you do not need any hardware, other than a computer or a laptop, to run the website! All the server-related equipment, from storage to RAM, are taken care of by the web hosting service.

They will be the ones to keep everything well-maintained and upgraded, too. In other words, you will not have to waste time and money maintaining your server, and with cloud hosting solutions, you can easily opt for bigger plans for more resources as you grow.

2. Environmental friendliness

Did you know that web hosting has an impact on the environment? An excellent example of this is that the massive data centers responsible for storing the data need to cool their servers to keep them in good condition. The power used to run all of these pieces of equipment, not to mention the servers themselves, brings a few consequences to the environment, such as significant CO2 emissions.

For this reason, many web hosters have started offering green web hosting solutions, where the energy is sourced from green tech to reduce environmental impacts.

3. Managed web hosting

For those business owners who are genuinely too busy to manage their websites or barely have any know-how to do so, managed web hosting has been a godsend. It has blown up in popularity quite recently, thanks to the fact that most of the work involved in running a business website is performed by the service provider.

In managed web hosting, everything from backups and system updates all the way to other essential operations is done by the web hosts themselves. In other words, they act like admins, taking care of the site while allowing you to focus on other critical tasks.


There are a few other trends other than the ones we have talked about so far, such as DIY website builders, HTTPS, and more! These trends all dictate what kind of web hosts are available to you, creating a wide variety for you to pick from to fit your needs.

If you are a business that is hell-bent in reducing your carbon footprint, opting for green web hosting solutions is the way to go. On the other hand, if you have no clue how to manage your website, managed web hosting is a type of service you can opt for!

When you know what trends are there, you know what kind of services are available to push your business and website forward!

Are you interested in getting VPS or other cloud hosting solutions to run your website? I/O Zoom offers you a myriad of VPS hosting solutions, from self-managed to managed! Reach out to us today.





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