Home » Hosting » The 5 Best Data Backup Practices You Should Know About
January 16, 2022 by Tanya Aquino

The 5 Best Data Backup Practices You Should Know About

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As technology advances, so do the threats. Phishing, ransomware, and other malicious cyberattacks can hamper your operations and result in devastating financial and data losses.

Other risks to your data may not be as dubious. Users can make simple mistakes that can result in data loss. Hurricanes, floods, and fires can also disrupt the power, prevent your employees from accessing the data center, and ultimately damage your firm’s data.

While an online VPS can protect your company from online attacks, businesses still need to find ways to survive data damage from natural disasters, unexpected events, or emergencies. That is why data backup and recovery are essential.

Data Backup and Recovery

Business data consists of the application data, product data, customer files, employee and supplier records, and competitive research. They are all essential in the everyday operation of businesses everywhere.

Backing up data means creating copies of essential pieces of information. Data recovery uses these copies to restore the data after experiencing damage or loss.

You can use a variety of media to create partial or full backups. These include CDs, hard drives, magnetic tape cartridges, and solid-state or flash drives. 

One of the most popular archival destinations today is cloud data backups. The advantage of using this type of backup is that you can store your data remotely and access it through a web browser or file-sharing application.

Best Data Backup Practices

There are a variety of ways to store your data safely. Here are some best practices that you may want to consider doing:

Follow 3-2-1 Backup Rule 

IT experts have encouraged people to follow the 3-2-1 backup rule for decades. It entails keeping three separate copies of your data, using two different storage types, and keeping at least one of the copies in an offsite location. The idea is to ensure that you always have a backup copy if faulty hardware, malicious activity, or natural disaster destroys your data.

Implement Cloud Backup

Cloud and online backups have become more common over the years. The 3-2-1 rule is evolving to accommodate these data backup solutions. Although specialists still encourage storing local data backups, they suggest making two data copies and keeping them in two geographically separated clouds. However, the important thing is finding the backup strategy that can best suit your needs and budget. 

Carefully Consider the Options

When selecting a backup and recovery solution, you must think about recovery time, scalability, security system, usability, vendor support quality, and vendor reliability. The ideal vendor is dependable and offers a secure, easy-to-use system with simple scalability and fast recovery times. 

Prepare a Plan B

A backup plan must define what data you need to back up and how often to make the copies. Learn to differentiate between negligible temporary data and crucial business data that you may need to back up several times a day.

Test Your Plan

Test your plan periodically. It ensures that no data is lost or corrupted during the backup process. You can utilize recovery point objective (RPO) and recovery time objective (RTO) as your key metrics. RPO is the acceptable amount of downtime for you, while the RTO is your target time to get the system running again after data loss.


In today’s technologically advanced world, data is an essential component of success. While an online VPS can protect companies from malicious attacks online, it is still critical to back up their data.

Data backup and recovery can help companies recover quickly when they suffer data loss due to man or machine error, power outages, or natural disasters. Furthermore, these two processes can save businesses from the financial and technological devastations that loss and damage data can bring.

IO Zoom is a premier IT company offering top-notch data backup solutions and online VPS in the United States. Team up with us today! 





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